You are here: Registration Module > Patient Search and Selection Screen

Patient Search and Selection Screen

This screen allows the User to search the registration environment of the platform for patient identifiers and produces a list of matches for the User to review. The registration environment is launched from this screen upon application initiation and a patient search.

The Patient selection screen is primarily utilized to search for patient of interest. The User is required to search the current database before they have access to create a new patient. This process flow reduces the number of potential duplicate patient files. A limited subset of recent patients accessed can be displayed for easy recall if the appropriate security option is assigned to the User. The search criteria section of the screen remains viable and active throughout the program so that a new patient can be easily selected.

Only the top 200 patients are displayed for each search. If a User enters criteria that result in a higher number of matched records, the User will be prompted to narrow the criteria.

Buttons on the bottom of the screen allow the User to create a new patient, review the selected patient, view order history, show subset of patients, link to results or merge patients.